CE: 7915 CF: cag081172112


Multivariate analysis of the chemical properties of the eroded brown soils

Análisis multivariado de las propiedades químicas de los suelos pardos erosionados


Juan Alejandro Villazón Gómez1, George Martín Gutiérrezy Yakelín Cobo Vidal2

 1Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Holguín (UHO), Ave. de Los Libertadores, km 3½, Holguín, Cuba, Tel: 2448 1221. CP 80100
2Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (EPICA), Guaro S/N, Mayarí, Holguín, Cuba. CP 83000

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The work was carried out with the data obtained of 30 profiles of Brown soils classified according to the effect of erosion. With the objective of determining, by means of a multivariate analysis, the effect of the erosion on the chemicals properties of the Brown soils was carried out a Discriminant and Principals Components Analysis. It was evaluated the chemicals variables pH in water, pH in KCl, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and S, T and V values. The Multivariate Analysis allowed establishing that magnesium is the only chemical property that evidence contraposition with the other variables, due to the harmful effect that this base exerts on the soil aggregates, which can accelerate or stressing the action of the erosive processes in the Brown soils. In the Principals Components Analysis, then components represented by the influence of the soil reaction, the absorbing complex and magnesium accumulate 78.75 % of the variance. The Discriminant Analysis explains the 97.06 % of the total of the variation in the two first axes, with the 93.33 % of good classification, with all the groups conformed by the categories of erosion well told apart among themselves.

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