CE: 2114 CF: cag071172111


Aquous extract of Euphorbia lactea Haw as local alternative for the control of Plutella xylostella L. in cabbage

Extracto acuoso de Euphorbia lactea Haw como alternativa local para el control de Plutella xylostella L. en col


Orlando Barrueta Leyva1, Carmen Verónica Martín Vasallo1, Leónides Castellanos González 2,4, Roquelina Jiménez Carbonell3

1Estación Protección de Plantas Yaguaramas, Calle Abreu No 54. Municipio Abreu, Cienfuegos, Cuba. CP 59380
2Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuatro Caminos. Carretera a Rodas km 4, Cienfuegos. Cuba. CP 55100
3Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal Cienfuegos. Carretera a Palmira km 4. Cienfuegos, Cuba. CP 55100
4Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Pamplona km 1, Vía Bucaramanga.Campus universitario, Norte de Santander, Colombia. CP 540001

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The work was developed in the municipality of Abreus, Cienfuegos province between January and February 2013. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of the watery extract of Euphorbia lactea Haw for the control of Plutella xylostella L. in the cabbage crop (Brassica oleracea L.). Bioprepared was obtained fractioning pieces among 3 to 5 cm of young shafts of E. lactea in mature plants of 2 - 3 m of height. 3 kg of the vegetable fractions was deposited in 10 L of water, (proportion 0,3 kg L-1), remaining the mixture in rest during 24 hours. It was removed twice a day in favor of the pointers of the clock. The pH was evaluated at the beginning, and at 24 hours to the bioprepared and to the different concentrations of the watery extract. Concentrations were compared at 12,5 %, 25 %, 50 %, with a control or witness without treatment, as much in laboratory as in field, against larvae of P. xylostella. The watery extracts of E. lactea obtained the highest larvacide effect in the first 24 hours, being the L1 larval stadiums more susceptible. The watery extract E. lactea in proportions of 0,3 kg L-1 to the concentrations of the 25 % and 50 % achieves technical effectiveness against P. xylostella under laboratory and field conditions, without manifesting toxicity to the cabbage crop.

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