CE: 2016 CF: cag091172113


Application of quantitative variables in the sampling method to evaluate the sugarcane rust brown

Aplicación de variables cuantitativas en el método de muestreo para evaluar la roya parda de la caña de azúcar


Joaquín Montalván Delgado, José Rodríguez Zayas, Isabel Alfonso Terry, Eida Rodríguez Lema, Osmany Aday Díaz, Isabel Torres Varela, Yoslén Fernández Gálvez y Nicolas Quintana Bernabe

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones de la Caña deAzúcar (INICA). Carretera al CAI «Martínez Prieto», km 2½, Rancho Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba, C.P. 19390

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To develop a system that increase the precision in the resistance evaluations to sugarcane brown rust disease through the use of the quantitative sampling, six cultivars of differential behavior versus the disease (PR980, My5514, Ja60-5, C334-64, C323-68 and B4362) were studied. A random block experimental design with three replications was used in a heavy infections conditions obtained from the cultivar highly susceptible B4362. The evaluations were done at three and five months of age, in the three-thirds: bottom, half and top of the +1, +3 and +5 sugarcane plant leaves of 10 plants for replica. The variable total leaf area affected of the leaf and in each third was analyzed. In 2 cm2 were observed the long and wide of the biggest and more frequent pustule, the total of pustule and the area of the biggest and more frequent pustule, and the area percentage occupied by the most frequent pustule by each cm2 were determined. Variance analysis and Tukey tests as well as confidence intervals analysis to determine the coefficient to use as constant of the pustule width, due to the little variation of this parameter were realized. The +3 leaf represented the half infection of the incidence of the brown rust, constituting for it the most appropriate to carry out the observations and the half third. An equation was also obtained to calculate the area occupied by pustules with a high level of confidence.

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