Journal story

Before 2005

In 1964, a year after I founded the Center for Agricultural Research (CIAP) of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, is published the first scientific paper of the agricultural sphere entitled "Annual Report of Investigation", which remained until 1971; it was also the genesis of what would be 10 years after the journal Centro Agrícola. In parallel, and as of 1965, he began to be published in the university the journal "Centro" which compiled the results of this institution in science and technology, including agricultural. In this journal, arise Centro Agrícola journal and Centro Azúcar journal.

From the beginning Centro Agrícola has addressed topics about plant biology, plant science, genetic improvement, soil, and interaction with abiotic and biotic factors, plant health.

The first editor of the Centro Agricola was Dr. C. Ramón López Fleites, followed by doctors Lidcay Herrera Isla, Joaquín Machado de Armas, Horacio Grillo Ravelo, Reinaldo Alemán Pérez, Edilberto Pozo Velázquez and Roberto Herrera Valdés, all of prestige and dedication to the Journal.

In the beginning of period of economic crisis by the collapse of the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe the journal it was seriously affected, and drastically reduced its exit to 2 times a year in 1990, and 3 from 1991 to 1995. Starting in 1996 increased printing problems.

In 1996 and 1997 only 1 issue was published a year, but from 1998 began a gradual recovery with 3 numbers to normalize in 1999. In 2002, due to problems of country strategies, the polygraph worked in the Battle of Ideas, which it caused a delay of three years, which also led to decrease its backlist. Therefore, only a joint edition of two numbers (1-2 and 3-4) in 2004 was performed.

From 2005 to the present

From October 2005 a new direction was proposed, which outlined a new policy that supplied the backwardness of issue. The policy line from that time was:

-Exit backwardness Editorial

-Increase backlist:

  1. Managements are made to disseminate the journal in the country's universities and foreign institutions
  2. The Editorial Committee and Referees are reorganized, including international referees
  3. Universities members and sponsoring institutions were reorganized Centro Agrícola
  4. A website was created, now on the Internet
  5. Indexers recovered
  6. Cooperation activities with the sponsors for their support in Material Resources have been made.
  7. Is achieved starting the first stage of entry into the Electronic Bookshop TOMSON audited by SciELO
  8. Two computer young people who have made the electronic version of the journal were recruited:

These and other actions have led to a new image of the journal, which has managed to implement a gradual editing system consistent with high impact journals in your subject. Today Centro Agrícola has no delays in editing and publishing fund exceeds 80 articles.

Is necessary to highlight that the support by the management of the Centre of Agricultural Research, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and the University Direction Journal has order to remain our agricultural divulging that you friend, colleague, scientist prefer.

Centro Agrícola wishes you great successes,


Roberto Valdés Herrera

Editor in Chief

Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas.

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