Centro Agrícola Journal
Journal of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. Edited by the Agricultural Research Center of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Founded in 1974 with a quarterly frequency. Editorial Feijoo.
e-ISSN: 2072-2001 │p-ISSN: 0253-5785 │e-RNPS: 2153│ p-RNPS: 0168
Editor's note:
Dear colleagues, the English version of the "Centro Agrícola" has not finished being elaborated. Please, we apologize for the inconvenience and we encourage you to consult the version in Spanish (official language of the journal).
Team of the Centro Agrícola journal
Arbitrated by specialists of great experience and prestige, Centro Agrícola is a journal that publishes original scientific articles in Spanish on agricultural issues with the objective of disseminating scientific and technological advances in the following areas:
• Agriculture
• Agroecology
• Allelopathy and bioactive substances
• Plant Biology
• Plant Physiology
• Fitotecnia
• Vegetable Health
• Soil and Fertilization
• Livestock and environment
• Local Agrarian Innovation
• Local Food Resources
The content of the journal is targeted at teachers, scientists, students, specialists and general practitioners, who work on topics related to agriculture. All papers before being accepted for publication are subject to prior review by the Editorial Board. Accepted by this body are then sent to the Body Referees to be evaluated in a process of double blind peer review system (revisión por pares doble ciego) by members of this body who collaborate with the publication of the magazine. After the suggestions are sent to the authors to perform corrections.
The Editorial Board of the journal Agricultural Center verified during the steps preceding the publication of the articles originality of the contents presented. For this editors, referees and other staff reviewed documents considering the title, authors, keywords, etc., with the help of search and tracking plagiarism available on the web. If more than five manuscripts verbatim paragraphs is detected, it is dismissed for lack of originality.
Conditions of access
Agricultural Center is an open access journal that publishes free scientific articles, review, opinion and short communications in Spanish, which are unpublished, with the objective of spreading scientific and technological progress on agricultural issues. The journal does not charge for sending or publication of manuscripts received and all content published on the same is freely available, at no cost to the user or your institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, search or link to the full texts of the articles are published. This agrees with the Boai (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of open access.