Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements in Centro Agrícola 2016

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the journal is made up of recognized experts in the field published by the same. All the members and the affiliations to which they belong are made public on the website of the journal (Editorial Board).

The manuscripts will be sent by e-mail to one of the following addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; In addition, they can be delivered directly through electronic support in the journal's premises, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Central University Marta Abreu de las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní km 6, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. Phone (53) 42-281520.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the scientific quality of publications. Likewise, it avoids bad practices in the publications of the results of the investigations and manages the edition of the works received in the shortest possible time.
This responsibility involves paying attention to the following principles:


The Editorial Board is impartial in managing the works proposed for publication and respects the intellectual independence of the authors, who acknowledge the right to reply in case they have been evaluated negatively or disagree with a statement made. In addition, it does not exclude works that present results that did not correspond to what was expected in the research.


The people who compose the Editorial Board keep full confidentiality about the texts received and their content until they are accepted for publication. Only then will the title and authorship of the works be disseminated.

Likewise, no member of the Editorial Board may use for its own investigations, data, arguments or interpretations that contain unpublished works, unless express consent in writing of those who have done it.

The Editorial Board says that the works published since 2011 have been evaluated by at least two specialists in the field. Said review process, explained in more detail in the next section, is fair and impartial.

Review of publications

Each of the manuscripts received by the journal are valued by the Editorial Board in line with the profile of the journal and submitted to a double blind peer review process conducted by members of the Referee Corps who collaborate with the edition of the same. When one of the arbitrators concludes that the document should be rejected, a third criterion will be requested when submitting the work to arbitration.

The authors can propose four specialists in the evaluation of their work, but the Head of the Arbitrator Corps reserves the decision to accept or not this proposal, not being obliged to communicate that decision.

The Editorial Board verifies that in the arbitration process the originality of the works is respected. In addition, plagiarism and redundant publications, as well as falsified or manipulated data, are detected. Together, it is clearly indicated the sections of the journal whose contents are subject to the arbitration process.

The Editorial Board of the journal thanks the referees or reviewers his time and dedication so it will consider all remarks, recommendations and suggestions made to the manuscript. The comments are sent to the authors for the improvement of the works, preserving the anonymity of the reviewer. It also encourages academic authorities to recognize the double-blind peer-review process as part of the scientific process and disregard those who perform low-quality, incorrect, disrespectful or over-the-sentence assessments.

Acceptance or rejection of manuscripts

The responsibility for accepting or rejecting a paper for publication is retained by the Editorial Board. This process is based on the reports on the work that are issued by the referees. These reports consist of an opinion on the quality of the work in its relevance, originality and clarity of exposure.

The Editorial Board may directly reject the papers received, without recourse to arbitration of the article, if it considers the work inappropriate for the journal because it lacks the required quality level, because of the lack of adaptation to the scientific objectives of the journal, or to present evidence of scientific fraud.

The Editorial Board of Centro Agrícola journal verifies, during the previous steps to the publication of the articles, the originality of the contents presented. To do this, the editors, referees and other staff working on the edition review the documents taking into account the title, authors, keywords, etc., in the network. If the writing of up to 5 literal paragraphs equal to those appearing in another publication is detected, the manuscript is returned to the authors to be corrected; if more paragraphs are detected, the document is returned to the authors and dismissed for lack of originality.

Centro Agricola uses the Plagiarism program to check the content of the articles. The program generates a report, highlighting the percentage match between the uploaded article and the published material. Centro Agrícola allows up to a similarity of 25% considering the manuscript as original.

Disavowaland irregularities detected

The Editorial Board reserves the right to remove previously published works that are unreliable as a result of unintentional errors (plagiarism or scientific misconduct: manufacture, manipulation or copying of data or texts, redundant or duplicate publications, omission of references to Sources consulted, use of content without permission or without justification, etc.). The objective that guides this disavowal is to correct the already published scientific production, ensuring its integrity.

The conflict of duplicity, caused by the simultaneous publication of an article in two journals, is resolved when determining the date of receipt of the work. If a part of the article already published has an error, it can be corrected by means of an Editorial Note. In case of conflict, the journal will ask the author or authors for explanations and relevant evidence to clarify it, and make a final decision based on these explanations.

Unauthorized articles will be kept in the electronic edition of the journal, clearly and unequivocally warning that it is an unauthorized article. As a preliminary step to the final disavowal, the journal may issue a notice of irregularity, providing the necessary information. The notice of irregularity will be kept for the minimum time necessary, and will conclude with its withdrawal or with the formal disavowal of the article.


Editorial standards care

The Editor-in-Chief of the journal is responsible for correctly applying the rules governing the functioning of the Editorial Board, ensuring that each member is aware of the rules. These are: to promote and to represent the journal in the different forums; suggest and support possible improvements; get the collaborations of reference specialists; review, in a first evaluation, the works that are received before sending them to the arbitrators; write editorial notes, reviews, comments, news, reviews, etc.; attend the meetings of the Editorial Board.

Authorship standards and responsibilities of authors

The norms for the presentation of the manuscripts, as well as the templates to elaborate them, are public and can be reviewed or downloaded from the site of the journal intended for the Authors.

Centro Agrícola is committed to the dissemination of publications that are published in the same as widely as possible. Publications are free of cost to facilitate open access, so the journal does not charge a publication fee to authors in general. All authors can publish their articles for free. The decision to publish is based only on the fulfillment of the editorial criteria.

Authors are required to participate actively in the arbitration process. They must provide the requested information and comply with the deadline established for the correction of their article, contributing to it being published on time. In addition, they are obliged to offer retractions or corrections of errors indicated to their works. Also, the journal may request the services of an author in the arbitration process of a manuscript, if it deems necessary.
Centro Agricola will only receive original articles that are not published, totally or partially, have not been proposed or sent to another periodical publication, and meet the following requirements:

• The authors, while retaining the copyrights of their work, agree that the journal publishes the works under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, translation and reproduction of the document in any Medium, provided the work is duly cited.

• Only authors who have made important contributions in the elaboration of the article, whether in the conception of the research project, in the analysis and interpretation of the data, or in the writing and critical revision, are considered as authors.

• All authors of the article are willing to publish the article in this journal.

• There are no conflicts of interest between the authors and the institution.

• Only information other than authors' property is used, provided that it is properly cited.

The direction of the journal assumes, to receive the shipment, which has complied with the above provisions.

Conflict of interests

The documents sent to "Centro Agrícola" are considered confidential. Each of them is subjected to a double blind peer review process to avoid being aware of the authorship of the works and the referees who collaborate in the review process. This will avoid possible conflicts between the parties.

In case of conflicts between the authors and the institutions, it is avoided to proceed with the publication of the work until the problem is solved.

On the authorship of the manuscripts

Standards Publication

The articles submitted for publication must be the result of original and unpublished research. It should include an objective discussion of its results. Information should be written to allow any specialist to repeat the research carried out and to corroborate or challenge the comments defended in the work.

Authors should properly cite the source of literal ideas or phrases taken from other works already published in the manner indicated in the instructions to the authors.

When figures are included, they should be adequately explained how they were created or obtained, as long as it is necessary for their understanding. If they have been taken from other publications, authors should cite their origin, providing the relevant reproduction permits if necessary.

Authors should avoid unnecessary fragmentation of their manuscripts. If the work is very extensive, it can be published in several parts, as long as each one develops a particular aspect of the general study.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors must assert that the data and results presented in the work are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated. Plagiarism in all its forms, multiple or redundant publication, as well as the invention or manipulation of data constitute serious misconduct and are considered scientific fraud.

The authors will not send manuscripts to Agricultural Center previously submitted for consideration in another journal, nor will they send that manuscript to another journal until they receive notification of their rejection or voluntarily withdraw it. However, it is permissible to publish a work that enlarges another one already appeared, provided that the text on which it is based is properly cited and that the modifications involve a substantial modification of what has already been published.

The Editorial Board of Centro Agrícola journal verifies, during the previous steps to the publication of the articles, the originality of the contents presented. To do this, the editors, referees and other staff working on the edition review the documents taking into account the title, authors, keywords, etc., in the network. If the writing of up to 5 literal paragraphs equal to those appearing in another publication is detected, the manuscript is returned to the authors to be corrected; if more paragraphs are detected, the document is returned to the authors and dismissed for lack of originality.

The journal encourages authors to notify the Editor-in-Chief if they discover errors in published content, authors' names and affiliations or if they have concerns about the legitimacy of a publication. Articles that may contain violations of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submissions, false authorship claims, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like are discounted for lack of originality.

Work Authoring

Whoever is responsible for the article before the journal, in the case of multiple authorship, must guarantee the recognition of all those who have contributed significantly in the conception, planning, design, execution, obtaining of data, interpretation and discussion of the results of the work ; in any case all authors share responsibility for the work presented. Also, who acts as contact person must ensure that the work has been reviewed and approved in the final version by all authors, giving the approval for its publication. The authorship of contact should ensure that the fictitious or gifted authorship, which constitutes a bad scientific practice, has been avoided.

Information sources

In the text of the work the publications that influenced the research should be recognized. They must be correctly identified and cited in the bibliography. The inclusion of irrelevant quotations or references to similar examples should be avoided and it should not abuse references to research already established in the corpus of scientific knowledge.

The author should not use the information obtained privately through conversations, correspondences or discussions with colleagues in the subject, unless he has explicit permission, his source of information and that information has been received in a context of scientific advice.

Significant errors in published work

When an author discovers a serious error in his work he has the obligation to communicate it to the journal as soon as possible, to modify his article, to withdraw it, to retract it or to publish a correction. If the possible error is detected by members of the Editorial Committee, the author is obliged to prove that his work is correct.

Arbitration of manuscripts submitted to the journal

The people involved in the arbitration process play an essential role in ensuring the quality of the publication. They assist the journal's bodies in making editorial decisions and assisting the improvement of articles.


Referees should consider the work to be reviewed as a confidential document until it is published, both during and after the review process. In no case may it disseminate or use the information, details, arguments or interpretations contained in the text under review for its own benefit or that of other persons, nor to harm third parties. Only in special cases can he obtain the advice of other specialists in the matter, circumstance of which he must inform the Head of the Arbitration Corps of Centro Agrícola.


The referees must objectively judge the quality of the entire work, that is to say, including the information on which the working hypothesis is based, the theoretical and experimental data and their interpretation, without neglecting the presentation and writing of the text. Likewise, it must specify its criticism, be objective and constructive in its comments. He must adequately argue his judgments, without adopting hostile positions, respecting the intellectual independence of the authors of the manuscript.

The referees must advise the Editor of any substantial similarity between the work under evaluation and another article already published or in the process of being evaluated in another journal (redundant or duplicate publication). It can also draw attention to plagiarized, falsified, fabricated or manipulated texts or data.


The arbitrators must act quickly and deliver their report within the agreed time (40 days), so that it will notify the Head of the Arbitration Corps of possible delays. In addition, it must notify the Editorial Board as soon as possible if it does not consider itself capable of judging the work entrusted or if it cannot fulfill its task within the agreed term.

Recognition of sources of information

The referees must verify that in the bibliography are cited relevant works already published on the subject. With this objective, it will review the bibliography collected in the text, suggesting the elimination of redundant or superfluous references, or the incorporation of others not mentioned.

Conflict of interest in arbitration

Referees should refuse to review a work when they maintain a professional or personal relationship with the authors and this relationship may affect their judgment on said work. The referee may have conflicts of interest when the work to be evaluated is closely related to the one he is currently developing or with which he has already published. In these cases, in case of doubt, he must resign from the task entrusted and return the work to the Editorial Board, stating the reasons for such decision.

Copyright and Access to Centro Agrícola

The authors of the articles published in Centro Agrícola retain the copyright of their work, but agree that the journal publish the works under a Creative Commons license. Authors may submit articles of research, short communications, opinion articles and review or review articles in the journal for free of charge. Submitting a manuscript to the journal to be published implies that all authors have read and accepted all the Terms and Conditions of the journal and agree that the manuscript is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, Distribution, translation and reproduction of the document in any medium, provided the work is duly cited. In addition, they also agree that the document may be housed on the journal's website, EBSCOhost, Biblat or another indexer of the journal, from which you can read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, search or link to full texts of the articles that are published.

Centro Agrícola grants authors the right to reproduce this article, to incorporate the work into one or several collective works, to create and reproduce derivative works, to market the work, as well as to distribute the same.

It is a condition of publication that the manuscripts presented to this journal have not been published and will not be presented simultaneously elsewhere. Authors who wish to file a complaint should refer to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

CentroAgrícolais an open access journal, which publishes free original scientific articles, review, opinion and brief communications in Spanish, which are unpublished, with the objective of disseminating scientific and technological advances on agricultural issues. The journal does not charge for sending or publishing the manuscripts it receives and all the content that is published in it is available for free, at no cost to the user or his institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, search or link the full texts of articles that are published. This is in line with the open access BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition.
Visitors can view, download and copy the individual articles or the full issue of the journal at no cost.

Repositories, databases and platforms for articles

Centro Agrícola and the authors agree that the articles published are housed in the internal database of the Journal, its website, EBSCOhost, Biblat, repository of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, repository of the Bibliotheca "José Martí "and other indexers of the journal, from where you can access to read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, search or link the full texts of the content of articles that are published.

Property and Management

Centro Agrícola, named after the journal of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba, edited by the Agricultural Research Center of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas. Founded in 1974 with a quarterly publication frequency, it offers support and advice in managing the editing of scientific articles. In addition, it allows different typologies of articles, indicated in instructions to the authors.


The journal was hosted at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas and can be accessed from the address

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