CE: 1905 CF: cag102202268


First record of the Aleurovitreus insignis Bondar (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on avocado (Persea americana Mill.) in Cuba

Primer registro de Aleurovitreus insignis Bondar (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) para el aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) en Cuba

Lumey Pérez Artiles1*

Doris Hernández Espinosa2

Jorge Luis Rodríguez Tapia2

Mirtha Borges Soto2

Miriam Fernández Argudín2


1 Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA), Centro de Investigación Caribia, km. 6 vía Sevilla, Zona Bananera, Magdalena, Colombia

2 Instituto de Investigaciones en Fruticultura Tropical, Ave. 7ma #3005 e/ 30 y 32, Playa, La Habana, Cuba, CP 11300


*E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



The presence of whitefly species Aleurovitreus insignis Bondar on avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.) leaves in Artemisa province, Cuba, is recorded for the first time. The specimens were mounted, and species briefly described. The puparium of this new species has a pale cuticle, almost transparent, and the main differences from other species of the same genus are the presence of conspicuous brownish sclerosed patches on the head, abdominal base and in the anterior region of the vasiform orifice and very long caudal setae. The work contributes to enhancing the records of whiteflies in crops of economic importance for Cuba.


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