CE: 1966 CF: cag042202262


Effect of organic fertilizers on agricultural soil of Purupampa Panao, Peru

Efecto de abonos orgánicos en suelo agrícola de Purupampa Panao, Perú


Victor Raúl Cotrina-Cabello1*

Italo Wile Alejos-Patiño2

Gomer Guillermo Cotrina-Cabello2

Pedro Córdova-Mendoza1

Isis Cristel Córdova-Barrios1


 Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, Prolongación Ayabaca c9, Urb. San José, Ica, Perú

2 Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan, Av. Universitaria Nro. 601 - Cayhuayna – Huánuco, Huánuco, Perú


*E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



The use of organic fertilizers such as Bocashi, Compost and chicken manure, contribute to the improvement of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil through the incorporation of nutrients by regulating its water balance. The effect of organic fertilizers on the physical, chemical and biological properties of an agricultural soil in Purupampa Panao, Peru was evaluated. The work area was made up of an area of 596.25 m2 with characteristics of degraded soils. The methodology was composed of a completely randomized block design (DBCA) with four treatments: control 0 kg fertilizers, Bocashi 8,500 kg ha-1, Compost 8,500 kg ha-1, manure 8,500 kg ha-1, during the months January-December 2017. Four repetitions were performed, for a total of 16 experimental units. A slight effect of organic fertilizers with Bocashi 5.69 was observed in the hydrogen potential (pH); organic matter (MO) with Bocashi 3.96 % and Compost 3.85 %; nitrogen (N) with 0.17 % chicken manure; phosphorus (P) with chicken manure 7.63 ppm, potassium (K) with Compost 66.19 ppm. Organic fertilizers, especially chicken manure and Bocashi, showed to improve the concentration of macronutrients in the soil, especially nitrogen, so the use of Bocashi is suggested to improve the levels of macronutrients in the soil by reducing its acidity.


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