CE: 1876 CF: cag102192226


Alion Pro 51,75 SC (Metribuzín + Indaziflam), an efficient and feasible alternative for weed reduction in sugarcane

Alion Pro 51,75 SC (Metribuzín + Indaziflam), alternativa eficaz y viable en la reducción de arvenses en caña de azúcar


Dailín Rodríguez Tassé1*, René Nivardo Barbosa García1, Andrían García Perú2, Ediat Lorente Gómez3, Eugenio Zayas Piñeda3


1 Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA) Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (ETICA), Oriente – Sur, Carretera central km 2 1/2, Los coquitos, Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

2 Empresa Azucarera Santiago de Cuba, Calle L sin # % 6ta y avenida Las América, Reparto Sueños, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

3 Compañía Bayer CropScience, Calle 3ra e/ 76 y 78, Edif. Beijing, Piso 1, Oficina 101, Centro de Negocios Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba


*Autor para correspondencia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



Weeds in sugarcane (Saccharum spp) are one of the problems faced by producers to achieve good production. The effectiveness of Alion Pro 51,75 SC against various species of weeds and the selectivity to the crop under humid conditions in the plant cane cycle was evaluated. The experiment was realized in the Basic Production Unit "Alcides Parada" in Santiago de Cuba province. In the different doses of the herbicide Alion Pro, an excellent control of the predominant overgrowths existed, without significant differences among the doses of 1.75; 2.0 and 2.5 L ha-1, result the best doses, superior to the control exercised by the rest of the treatments with significant differences. It was observed that Dual Gold 1.5 L ha-1 + Ametrina 1.5 kg ha-1 and Hexaron 3.0 kg ha-1 they lost effectiveness in their control. The variety C89-250 showed high tolerance to the treatments of Alion Pro, without symptoms phytotoxic, the rest of the treatments showed affectations grade 3 to the cultivation before the 30 DDA, then they disappeared. In the parameters phenologic, the best results were obtained to the 9 months of having planted the area in the treatments of Alion Pro to the doses of 1.75, 2.0 and 2.5 L ha-1. The relationship cost for clean days, was smaller in the treatments of Alion Pro 51,75 SC, which overcame the acceptable threshold of control of overgrowths. The herbicide Alion Pro 51,75 SC constitutes a good alternative for the control of overgrowths in sugarcane.


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