CE: 1784 CF: cag042192220


Combinations and proportions of substrates in the production of Acerola plantlets by cuttings

Combinaciones y proporciones de sustratos en la producción de posturas de Acerola por esquejes


Yanoris Bernal Carrazana1*, Consuelo E. Hernández Rodríguez1, Cristóbal Rios Albuerne2**, Leonardo Torres Cordovés3


1 Unidad Científico Tecnológica de Base, Suelos Cienfuegos, Carretetra a Manicaragua, km 13½, Barajagua, Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, Cuba, CP 57600

2 Universidad Central de las Villas, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Carretera a Camajuaní km 5½, CP 54830, Santa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830

3 Empresa Pecuaria La Sierrita, Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, Cuba, CP 57600


*Autor para correspondencia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     



The present research was done at the semi rustic seedbed "La Campanita" which belongs to the Cooperative Basic Unit of Agricultural Production of the Urban Agricultural Company in Cumanayagua municipality with aims of evaluating different proportions of soil, sand, organic matter and zeolita in the substrate for the seedling production of Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC) by mean of cuttings, and determine the most effective combination among these components. The vegetal material used was selected according with the requirements and recommendations of technical instructions for the production of fruit trees from cuttings. The experiment was developed under semi - controlled lighting conditions and the experimental design was a random block with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The results indicated the feasibility to produce Acerola seedlings with the use of different proportions of soil, sand, organic matter and zeolite. The best response was found in the variant composed of 50 % organic matter, 25 % soil, 25 % zeolite and surface coverage of zeolite, with 88 % of live stakes and a better behavior in the quantity and length of roots emitted. All the variants used showed budding of axillary buds and rooting.


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