CE: 1822 CF: cag032192219


Availability of zinc and variability within the profile in Chromic Vertisol in Holguin province

Disponibilidad de zinc y variabilidad dentro del perfil en Vertisol Crómico de la provincia de Holguín


Yakelin Cobo Vidal1*, Elio Angarica Baró2, George Martín Gutiérrez1, Adrián Serrano Gutiérrez1, Juan Alejandro Villazón Gómez3


1 Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar Holguín(EPICA), Guaro S/N, Mayarí, Holguín, Cuba, CP 83300

2 Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar Oriente Sur (ETICA), Los Coquitos, Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, CP 92610

3 Universidad de Holguín, Sede José de la Luz y Caballero, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Centro de Estudios de Agroecosistemas Áridos (CEAAR), Ave. de los Libertadores, km 3½, Holguín, Cuba, CP 80100


*Autor para correspondencia: yakelin.cobo@inicahl.azcuba.cu    



The study was developed with the objective of evaluating the zinc content available in five profiles of Chromic Vertisol, its distribution within the soil profile and the relationship with some chemical properties. The samples were taken in areas dedicated to the agricultural activity in Mayarí municipality, Holguín province. The variables evaluated were: pH, available phosphorus and potassium, organic matter and the interchangeable cations: calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. The available zinc was determined by extraction with diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). The results showed deficiencies of zinc available in the five soil profiles, with average values between 0.23 and 0.30 mg kg-1, according to the established critical levels. The highest concentration of zinc occurred in the superficial horizon with a tendency to decrease with depth. The available zinc variability was low within the study area, influenced mainly by the assimilable levels of phosphorus in the soil profile.


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