CE: 1733 CF:cag08318


The biomass of Bambusa vulgaris as an alternative for the recovery of degraded soils


Pedro Cairo Cairo1, Otani Alvares Alonso2, Yamisey Yera Yera2, Alianny Rodríguez Urrutia2, Álvaro Mollineda2, Pedro Torres Artiles2 y Oralia Rodríguez López2

1Universidad de Atacama. CRIDESAT Centro Regional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Sustentable de Atacama Copayapu 485, Copiapó, Chile


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2Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní km 5½, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830


The production of bamboo biomass in reforestation projects can contribute to the regeneration of degraded soils. The work was carried out at the Center for Agricultural Research of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, with the objective of evaluating the quality of bamboo biomass as an alternative to recover degraded soils. A chemical characterization of bamboo biomass, represented by bamboo litter, bamboo humus, bamboo compost and a reference control constituted by earthworm humus from other organic substrates, was carried out. Ash, Cu, Zn, Co, Mn and Fe were evaluated. An experiment was carried out under semi-controlled conditions with 6 randomized block design treatments with the substrates described. Samples were taken from the experiment for the microbiological analysis of fungal and actinomycete bacteria. In addition, an experimental plot was assembled (two representative areas, one of bamboo of 5 years of established, to study the behavior of the species and changes in the soil from 30 cm to 5 m away from the seedling, and another area without bamboo representing the reference of degraded soil (RSD)). Samples were taken at the depth of 0-10 cm to evaluate the state of the structure and the consistency of the soil. The results show that the quality of the bamboo biomass significantly improves the biological properties of the soil as well as structure and its consistency.

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