CE: 1680 CF:cag06318


Productive response of Glycine max to different doses of organic fertilizers in Cambisol soil


Martha Geisa Travieso Torres1, Tania Lambert García1, Yoannia Gretel Pupo Blanco1, Luis Antonio Tamayo López1, Ricardo Gómez Machado1, Willian Rubén Galindo jaguaco2 y Elio Lescay Batista3

1Universidad de Granma (UDG), Carretera a Manzanillo Km/17 Peralejo - Apartado 21 - Bayamo M. N. Código Postal 85149 - Granma - Cuba

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2Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Barrio el Ejido, Cantón Latacunda, Provincia Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Teléfonos: 2810-296/2813-157 Extension 139-156 Fax 593(03) 2810-295.


3Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (IIA) “Jorge Dimitrov”, Carretera Bayamo-Manzanillo km 16 ½, gaveta postal 2140. Código postal 85 100. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba



To know the effects of different doses of earthworm humus and bovine manure on the main performance indicators of the soybean crop, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, variety Incasoy-27, an experiment was developed in the spring season (April -July 2012) on a Cambisol soil of the Bayamo municipality. In harvest maturity a sample of 10 plants per plot was taken and were evaluated the following indicators: number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant, weight of 100 seeds (g) and agricultural yield was estimated (t ha-1). The data were processed by analysis of variance of double classification and, in case of significant difference between treatments; the Tukey test was used for p≤0.05 in the comparison of the means. The results showed a positive effect of the different doses of both fertilizers applied, reflected in the yield and its components, highlighting the earthworm humus in the dose of 6 t ha-1 with increases of the yield of 1.77 t ha-1 respect to the control.

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