CE: 1735 CF:cag05318


New substrate for the acclimatization of sugarcane vitroplants

Nuevo sustrato para la aclimatización de vitroplantas de caña de azúcar


Emma Pineda Ruiz, Fidel Acosta Hernández (†), Irenaldo Fernández Denis, Dunia Núñez Jaramillo, Ana Rosa Hernández Freires, Osmany de la C. Aday Díaz, Zenaida Occeguera Águila, Pablo Machado Armas, Mayra Jiménez Vázquez, Edel Toledo Rodriguez y Rafael Más Martínez


Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar. ETICA Centro Villa Clara. Autopista Nacional km 246, Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, Cuba. Apartado 20, CP 53100

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The substrate used in the phase of acclimatization is determinant to reach quality plants. They can be solid and porous materials of natural or synthetic origin that alone or mixture guarantee a suitable growth of the plants under environmental controlled conditions. The aim of this work takes root in the evaluation of three variants of substrate for this phase: 80 % of compost and 20 % of zeolite (I); 50 % of the treatment I more 50 % of solid residue obtained of the biogas from vinaza (II) and 100 % of the solid residue of the biogas (III). There was characterized the chemical composition of the substrate. The following evaluations were made: survival, number of dead plants and number of leaves, to the last evaluation were added: root length, stem height and diameter, leaf length +1, number of total leaves, pests and diseases present. The solid residue of the biogas formed from vinaza, presented a top content of organic matter and total macroelements. This residue allows the growth of the in vitro plants and is feasible to use it as substrate only or mixed with the compost.


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