CE:3016 CF: cag082172124


Characterization of the symptoms of sugarcane orange rust (Puccinia kuehnii (W. Kruger) E. J. Butler) in four sugarcane cultivars in Cuba

Caracterización de los síntomas de la roya naranja (Puccinia kuehnii (W. Kruger) E. J. Butler) en cuatro cultivaresde caña de azúcaren Cuba


Osmany de la C. Aday Díaz, Isabel Alfonso Terry, Eida Rodríguez Lema,Félix René Díaz Mujica, Yulexi Gil Cruz, Boris Luis Valdés Avalos y Javier Barroso Melillo

Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar, Carretera CUJAE Km 1½, Boyeros, La Habana,Cuba.CP 19390

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The characterization of the symptoms of the orange rust was carried out on the Sugar Cane Research Territorial Station (ETICA Centro Villa Clara), of the Sugarcane Research Institute (INICA) in Cuba. Ten infected stalks of the cultivars B52107, CSG398-92, C01-227 and Clon218-2011 were evaluated. With a photographic camera the image of the three thirds of 236 leaves infected was captured on a squared paper with well-known distances. By means of the processing of images ImageJ® 1.43u the Affected Foliate Area (AFA) was determined to in each third and of the complete leaf, later on the long, wide and area occupied by 554 pustules of the P. kuehnii. In the leaves from +3 at +7 were the intermediate values of AFA for P. kuehnii and this it was significantly major in the superior third of the leaves and minor in the basal part. The most frequent dimensions in the pustules of P. kuehnii reached the length understood between 0.75 and 3.0 mm, between 0.24 and 0.61 mm wide and an area of 1.39 mm2 , with differences among cultivars. The emergency of the pustules was generally presented in to add form and with collapsed areas of 2.97 mm2 to 979.8 mm2.

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