CE:7015 CF: cag053162085


Inoculation of HMA and phosphoric fertilizer requirements Ipomea batata (L.) Lam

Inoculación de HMA y requerimientos de fertilizante fosfórico en Ipomea batata (L.) Lam


Alberto Espinosa Cuéllar1 , Luís Ruiz Martinez1 , Ramón Rivera Espinosa2 , Ernesto Espinosa Cuéllar1

1 Instituto de Investigaciones de Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT). Apdo 6, Carretera Central km 250, Santo Domingo, Villa Clara, Cuba. CP 53000.
2 Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA). Carretera de Tapaste km 3 ½, San José de Las Lajas, La Habana, Cuba. CP 32700.

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As well as sweet potato is a micotrófico crop, litle results where P fertilizer requirements associated with inoculation of strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (HMA) are reported. For these purposes two experiments were performed, evaluating the response of the clones ‘INIVIT B2-2005’ or ‘CEMSA 78-354’ to application of five doses of phosphoric fertilizer with or without the application of the species Rhizoglomus intraradices (INCAM-11 ) in Phaeozems haplic calcari, in a randomized block design, factorial arrangement and four replications. Tuber yield, percentage of mycorrhizal colonization of mycorrhizal spores contained 50 g of soil and phosphorus content in the leaf, stem and root tuberous were evaluated. A significant response mineral fertilization in performance with an optimal dose of 75 kg ha-1, which decreased to 50 kg ha -1 when soil was inoculated with R. intraradices was found, while maintaining equivalent yields . This effect was similar in both clones and in both years. Inoculation significantly increased the percentage of colonization and spores and the highest values ever obtained in the treatment of 50 kg ha-1 of P2O5 , lower and upper fertilizations showed lower values. The contents of phosphorus in different organs also showed a similar response. It is concluded that efficient inoculating strain originates adequate mycorrhizal HMA performance in the presence of medium doses of fertilizer, ensuring high yields with lower doses of these.


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