CE:4014 CF: cag043162084


Some aspects of the ecology and the biology of Asyndetus sp. bioregulator of the housefly

Algunos aspectos de la ecología y la biología de Asyndetus sp., biorregulador de la mosca común


Javier González Ramírez¹, Roquelina Jiménez Carbonell², Leónides Castellanos González³, Carmen Verónica Martin Vasallo¹, Freddys Ramírez González³ y Horacio Grillo Ravelo4

1 Estación de protección de Plantas de Yaguaramas. Abreus, Cienfuegos, Cuba. CP 59400.
2 Laboratorio Provincial de Sanidad Vegetal, Carretera de Palmira km 4, Cienfuegos, Cuba. CP 55100.
3 Centro de Estudios para la Transformación Agraria Sostenible (CETAS). Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuatro Caminos, Carretera a Rodas Km 4, Cienfuegos, Cuba. CP 55100.
4 Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Carretera a Camajuaní km 5½, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. CP 54830.

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A predator insect larvae and eggs of Musca domestica L. (housefly) reported in the municipality Passenger Aguada, Cienfuegos. The present investigation was carried out with the objective to evaluate some aspects of the ecology and the biology of Asyndetus sp. as effective biorregulator on the populations of domestic fly inAgricultural units. It was determined the duration and the dimensions of the development states: egg, larva, pustule and adult of the insect, where 100 individuals were evaluated, as well as, the influence on the environmental conditions on the populations of Asyndetus sp. the bioregulator action of the development the populations of domestic fly in their natural media and the flight capacity of the adults of the predator. The results reveal that Asyndetus sp. carries out the predator action on the larva states and adult. The results reveal that Asyndetus sp. performs the depredations in the states larval and adult fly with a duration of 7 and 17 days for larval and adult states, respectively. The biorregulator activity is effective, so, it constitutes an efficient and stable depredator reaching up to 11 predators for prey relationships. The establishment of Asyndetus sp. allowed save for the elaboration center “The Galleon” 3600 CUC annually for no use of chemical control for the domestic fly, helping the protection to the environment and the health of the workers of the unit.

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