CE: 1823CF: cag024192241


Comparison of vis-NIR spectral signatures of soils cultivated with sugarcane (Sacharum sp.) in the Villa Clara province

Comparación de firmas espectrales vis-NIR de suelos cultivados con caña de azúcar (Sacharum sp.) en la provincia de Villa Clara


Ahmed Chacón-Iznaga1,2, Miguel Rodríguez-Orozco3, Edith Aguila-Alcantara1, Ariany Colás-Sánchez2, Diana González-Aguiar3, Delia Luisa Alvarez-Vázquez1, Josse de Baerdemaeker4 y Wouter Saeys4


1 Departamento de Agronomía. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830

2 Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CIAP). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830

3 Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba, CP 54830

4 Universidad Católica de Lovaina (KU Leuven). Kasteelpark Arenberg 30, B-3001 Leuven Bélgica


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The objective of this research was to compare the spectral signature of two soil types, Cambisol and Vertisol, cultivated with sugarcane in the Villa Clara province, Cuba. The soil samples were collected at two levels: 1) Landscape level of the province (DC), 2) within a field (CE). The vis-NIR spectral signatures were acquired in the laboratory by means of a diode array spectrophotometer covering the wavelength range from 399 to 1697 nm. The results showed that the absorbance spectra of these two soil types can clearly be distinguished, which suggests that the soil type could be derived from the spectra. The light absorbance by the soil varied with wavelength in each soil type in DC and CE. A visual comparison of the spectral shape and the variation between a field and landscape within the same soil group showed some similitude. Around the wavelength of 1400 nm in both soil types the absorbance values increase and consequently decrease again. These characteristics bring a good match of the spectral signatures of DC and CE. In addition, in CE an increasing pattern of soil absorbance was observed as organic matter (OM %) increases. This pattern was observed around 399 nm and 580 nm while for Cambisol and Vertisol respectively.


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