CE: 1825 CF: cag061192217


Molecular and Serological Characterization of Azospirillum strain 8-INICA employed in sugarcane biofertilization

Caracterización serológica y molecular de la cepa 8-INICA de Azospirillum brasilense utilizada en la biofertilización de la caña de azúcar


Juana Mercedes Pérez Pérez1*, Ana Nelis San Juan Rodríguez2, María Laura Tortora3, Lucia Vera3, Mario Casas González1


Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA), km 2 ½, carretera a la CUJAE, Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba, CP 19390

Instituto Cubano de Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar (ICIDCA), UEB Bioprocesos Cuba 10, Pablo Noriega, Quivican, Mayabeque, CP 33500

Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (EEOC), Av. William Cross 3150, Tucumán, Argentina, CP T4101XAC


*Autor para correspondencia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    



Azospirillum is a bacterium that produces growth and yields increments due to its capacity of fix atmospheric nitrogen and to produce phytohormones. In Cuba, the 8-INICA strain of Azospirillum sp. has been used successfully in sugarcane biofertilization and others economical crops. The morphological and biochemical characterization of this stain showed similarity with the species A. brasilense. Due to the importance of this strain in the biofertilization works carried out in our country, the aim of this paper was to confirm the identity of this strain through immunoenzymatic and molecular techniques.


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