CE:11715 CF: cag032172119


Agronomic response of cultivars of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under different soil moisture conditions in province Granma

Respuesta agronómica de dos cultivares de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) bajo diferentes condiciones de humedad del suelo en la provincia de Granma


Yanitza Meriño Hernández1, Tony Boicet Fabré1, Ana Boudet Antomarchi1, Allyson Cedeño Aguilar2

1 Universidad de Granma. km 17 Carretera Bayamo - Manzanillo, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba. CP 84100
2 Empresa Agroindustrial de Granos Fernando Echenique, Carretera Salida de Holguín, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba. CP 84100

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To objective of evaluate the response of two cultivars of chickpea (Nac-29 and Nac-5 HA) under different soil moisture conditions, field research was carried out in productive teaching plot of the University of Granma. Sowing was carried out on November 22, 2014. Two treatments were used: T1 (Control) and T2 (varieties of chickpea in water stress) with three replicates, distributed in a randomized block design with split plot arrangements (The large plots corresponded to the two moisture conditions and the small plots to varieties). The variables were: length and diameter of pods, number of grains per plant, number of grains per pods, weight of 100 seeds and agricultural yield. The results obtained were statistically processed using the STATISTICA version 8.0 for Windows program and in case of significant differences, a variance analysis was performed using the Tukey Multiple Range test. The results showed that, with the cultivation of the chickpea, better results are obtained when the plants are subjected to water stress conditions.

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