CE:6115 CF: cag082162077


Influence of age and variety of cane cultivation in the harvest time

Influencia de la edad y cultivar de caña de azucar en el momento de la cosecha


Irenaldo Delgado Mora1, Héctor Jorge Suarez2, Antonio Vera 2, María Teresa Cornide Hernández2, Felix René Díaz Mujica1, José R. Gómez Pérez1, Oscar Suárez Sanchez1, Yaquelin Puchades Isaguirre6

1 Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (ETICA Villa Clara) Autopista Nacional Km. 246, Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, CP 53100.
2 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA). Carretera CAI «Martínez Prieto», km 2½ Rancho Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba, CP 19390.
3 Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (EPICA) Matanzas, INICA, AZCUBA. Carretera Central km. 156, Jovellanos, Matanzas, Cuba. CP 42600.
4 Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar Centro-Oriental. Camagüey. Circunvalación Agramonte. Tráfico. Florida. Camagüey, Cuba, CP 72810.
5 Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (EPICA Holguín). Guaro, Mayarí, Holguín, Cuba, CP 83000.
6 Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar Oriente-Sur. Carretera Central Km 2½, Los Coquitos, Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, CP 92610.

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One element that affects the quality of the cane is the gap, when the harvested cane has not reached maturity or have exceeded the time of optimum maturity, affecting the juice composition in terms of quality. So the objective was to determine the influence of age and cultivar in sugarcane. In plant and first ratoon crops with aged 9-24 months, were evaluated with the aim of determining the influence of the gap in the sugar content the discriminate analysis for plant and first ratoon cane at the beginning of harvest revealed that harvest with less than 12 months and above 19 months age can result with lower sugar yields due to lag, the C1051-73 and C86-12 genotypes achieved the highest percentage of pol in cane harvested in early ages of 18 to 20 months and in the final stage of harvest was between 13 and 16 months. The gap by genotype confirmed that My5514 is not recommended for the initial stage of harvest.

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