CE: 4515 CF: cag031162059


Relations between indicator quality properties, into two subtypes of brown soils in the province of Villa Clara

Relaciones entre las propiedades indicadoras de calidad, en dos subtipos de suelos pardos, en la provincia de Villa Clara

Ercília Lopes1, Pedro Cairo Cairo3, Ariany Colás Sánchez1, Alianny Rodríguez Urrutia2

1 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central "Martha Abreu" de Las Villas, Santa clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. CP 54830.
2 Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CIAP). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Central "Martha Abreu" de Las Villas, Santa clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. CP 54830.
3 Universidad de Atacama (CRIDESAT). Centro Regional de Investigación Desarrollo Sustentable de Atacama. Copiapó Chile. CP 1532296.

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In this work the morphological and chemical characteristics are compared on the deck of the subtypes, fluffy and vertic, addition of relations between structural stability and organic matter in the soils evaluated. The samplings were conducted in soils under different management systems in the municipalities Ranchuelo and Santa Clara. The indicators studied were soil pH, calcium, value T, organic matter, structure factor and the stable aggregates. The results show that in both subtypes there is a strong relationship between soil properties, organic matter, structure factor and the stable aggregates which confirms the importance of these properties as indicators of the soil quality related to the management.

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