CE: 51,13 CF: cag121152018


Agro-ecological zoning for mango cultivation (Manguifera indica L.) in the special unit fruit of Cienfuegos

Zonificación agroecológica para el cultivo del mango (Manguifera indica L.) en la Unidad especial de frutales de Cienfuegos

Eduardo Rodríguez Delgado1, Héctor García Pérez2, Leónides Castellanos3

1-Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) Frutales Cienfuegos, Empresa Cítricos Arimao, Cienfuegos No. 137, Cumanayagua. Cieunfuegos, Cuba, C.P. 57600.
2-Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar Villa Clara-Cienfuegos, Autopista Nacional km 246. Apartado 20, Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, Cuba, C.P. 53100.
3-Centro de Estudios para la Transformación Agraria Sostenible (CETAS). Universidad de Cienfuegos, Carretera de Rodas, Km 4, Cienfuegos, Cuba, C.P. 55100.

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In this paper the results of a study conducted over five years (2006-2010) with the objective of determining agroecological zones occur handle (Manguifera indica L.) in Unit Fruit of Cienfuegos, in order to optimize the production process culture and make more efficient use with the genotype-environment interaction. Three varieties (Chino, Haden and Super Haden), replicated in environments that formed the combination of three units with five years were used. The rains were more discriminating power of agroecological zones soil variables, mainly dry period, determining the existence of two areas; one consisting of the unit three lower yield potential and another for the remaining two units, which can contribute to the efficiency of production management if a pattern is followed by specific site. The investigation also found that there is significant interaction between cultivars and environments, suggesting that these results are used in the use of genotypes according to their stability and adaptability.

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