CE:1916 CF: cag094162101


The agrarian innovation in Camajuaní: inequities and contradictions?

La innovación agropecuaria en Camajuaní: ¿inequidades y contradicciones?


Annia Martínez Massip1, Niurka Ivelises Pérez Rojas2

1Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV). Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. CP 54830. Teléfono 53(42)211905.
2Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Filosofía e Historia, Universidad de La Habana (UH). L y 27, La Habana, Cuba. CP 10400.

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The agrarian innovation in Camajuaní shows a group of social problems, despite of being a leading municipality in the production of different crops, tobacco and livestock farming. The article is aimed at characterizing, from a sociological approach, the agrarian innovation in producers of different crops, industrial crops, livestock farming and poultry in Camajuaní. A survey, a semi-structured interview and an analysis of the content were applied to an intentional simple of 39 innovators. The outcomes resulted in: gender and age inequity, variability in the levels of scholarship and the tenure of the land of the farmers for an insufficient cognitive domain of innovation, and predominance of a medium level of innovation for most agrarian practices with a high efficiency but low novelty in the various cultures. The agrarian innovations are affected by the contradiction of lacking a bond to the social innovations, with economical aims and being absent to a local system of innovation, which not only limits its growing and development, but also reflects the lack of projection of local entities and civil society; what put at risk the agrarian, rural, and local development.

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