CE:1415 CF: cag083162088


Dry matter and primary macroelements on the foliar biomass of sugarcane with different fertilizer rates of phosphorus

Materia seca y macroelementos primarios en la biomasa foliar de la caña de azúcar fertilizada con diferentes dosis de fósforo


Juan Alejandro Villazón Gómez1 , George Martín Gutiérrez2 y Yakelín Cobo Vidal2

1 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Holguín (UHO), Ave. XX Aniversario, vía Guardalavaca, Piedra Blanca, Holguín, Cuba, Tel: (53) (24) 48 3228. CP 80 100.
2 Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (EPICA), Guaro S/N, Mayarí, Holguín, Cuba. CP 83 000

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With the objective of determining the quantities of dry matter and primary macroelements on the foliar biomass of the sugar cane fertilized with different phosphorus rates was carried out a in an experiment in blocks at random (8 treatments x 6 replications) on a Chromic Vertisol. Five plants per plot at the 3rd replication and crop cycle were cut before harvesting. To the sugarcane top of the samples were determined the percentages of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; was carried out a count of sugarcane stalk in each plot to express the percentages in magnitudes of mass.An Analysis of Variance of simple classification and the test of multiple status of Duncan to 95 % of probability was executed. The yearly fertilizations with 50 and 25 kg ha-1 of phosphorus from the 1rst cycle and the application at the start of a cycle of 125 kg ha-1 showed the bigger dry matter contents and the second ratoons had the biggest influence in the matter production. It was appreciated that the influence of the crop cycle was bigger than that rates of phosphorus on the dry matter content. The rate of phosphorus and the crop cycle with bigger content of primary macroelements were those where the dry matter was in bigger quantities. In the interaction rates of phosphorus-crop cycle the bigger contents of phosphorus and potassium was obtained on the 2nd ratoon with yearly and to the start of crop cycle applications of phosphorus.

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