CE: 3415 CF: cag101162066


Behavior of tomato in greenhouse and agroecological management under the Amazon Ecuadorian conditions

Indicadores morfológicos y productivos del cultivo del tomate en Invernadero con manejo agroecológico en las condiciones de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana

Reinaldo Demesio Alemán Pérez, Javier Domínguez Brito, Yoel Rodríguez Guerra y Sandra Soria Re

Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), Campus Central. Paso Lateral Km. 2 1/2 Vía a Napo, Troncal Amazónica E45, Puyo, Ecuador. CP 160150.

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The work was developed in the Centre of research, postgraduate and conservation of the Ama - zon biodiversity (CIPCA) which belong to the Amazon State University (UEA), of Ecuador, located in the Arosemena Tola canton, in the Napo province. It consisted in studying the morphological and productive indicators in SYTA variety of tomato under greenhouse conditions. Compost and foliar fertilizer were applied. The seedling was mounted on trays of 128 alveoli with commercial peat substrate. Thirty one days after germination, plantlets were transplanted by the method to three rolls in beds of 1.20 m wide adequately prepared. Morphological indicators have shown a good general development under these conditions. Performance components of tomato under the Amazon Ecuadorian conditions obtained similar productions to the indicators obtained in other regions.

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